================= Numpy Ufunc C-API ================= :: PyObject * PyUFunc_FromFuncAndData(PyUFuncGenericFunction *func, void **data, char *types, int ntypes, int nin, int nout, int identity, char *name, char *doc, int check_return) :: int PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForType(PyUFuncObject *ufunc, int usertype, PyUFuncGenericFunction function, int *arg_types, void *data) :: int PyUFunc_GenericFunction(PyUFuncObject *ufunc, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds, PyArrayObject **op) This generic function is called with the ufunc object, the arguments to it, and an array of (pointers to) PyArrayObjects which are NULL. 'op' is an array of at least NPY_MAXARGS PyArrayObject *. :: void PyUFunc_f_f_As_d_d(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_d_d(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_f_f(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_g_g(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_F_F_As_D_D(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_F_F(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_D_D(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_G_G(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_O_O(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_ff_f_As_dd_d(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_ff_f(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_dd_d(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_gg_g(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_FF_F_As_DD_D(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_DD_D(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_FF_F(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_GG_G(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_OO_O(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_O_O_method(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_OO_O_method(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_On_Om(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: int PyUFunc_GetPyValues(char *name, int *bufsize, int *errmask, PyObject **errobj) On return, if errobj is populated with a non-NULL value, the caller owns a new reference to errobj. :: int PyUFunc_checkfperr(int errmask, PyObject *errobj, int *first) :: void PyUFunc_clearfperr() :: int PyUFunc_getfperr(void ) :: int PyUFunc_handlefperr(int errmask, PyObject *errobj, int retstatus, int *first) :: int PyUFunc_ReplaceLoopBySignature(PyUFuncObject *func, PyUFuncGenericFunction newfunc, int *signature, PyUFuncGenericFunction *oldfunc) :: PyObject * PyUFunc_FromFuncAndDataAndSignature(PyUFuncGenericFunction *func, void **data, char *types, int ntypes, int nin, int nout, int identity, char *name, char *doc, int check_return, const char *signature) :: int PyUFunc_SetUsesArraysAsData(void **data, size_t i) :: void PyUFunc_e_e(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_e_e_As_f_f(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_e_e_As_d_d(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_ee_e(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_ee_e_As_ff_f(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: void PyUFunc_ee_e_As_dd_d(char **args, npy_intp *dimensions, npy_intp *steps, void *func) :: int PyUFunc_DefaultTypeResolver(PyUFuncObject *ufunc, NPY_CASTING casting, PyArrayObject **operands, PyObject *type_tup, PyArray_Descr **out_dtypes) This function applies the default type resolution rules for the provided ufunc. Returns 0 on success, -1 on error. :: int PyUFunc_ValidateCasting(PyUFuncObject *ufunc, NPY_CASTING casting, PyArrayObject **operands, PyArray_Descr **dtypes) Validates that the input operands can be cast to the input types, and the output types can be cast to the output operands where provided. Returns 0 on success, -1 (with exception raised) on validation failure. :: int PyUFunc_RegisterLoopForDescr(PyUFuncObject *ufunc, PyArray_Descr *user_dtype, PyUFuncGenericFunction function, PyArray_Descr **arg_dtypes, void *data)